Ladakh Images

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Zanskar Valley
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Pangong Lake
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Nubra Valley (Source)
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Sand Dunes - Nubra Valley
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Spituk Monastery (Source)
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Hemis High Altitude Wildlife Sanctuary, Hemis
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Shanti Stupa
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Hemis Monastery
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MoonLand, Lamayuru
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Enthrilling bike rides - Ladakh
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Tso Kar lake
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Chadar Trek
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Landscape in Ladakh (Source)
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Losar, one of the famous festival in Ladakh
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Yuru Kabgyat - Celebrated at the Lamayuru monastery, Ladakh
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Zanskar Festival - One of the colorful festival celebrated to cherish the victory of good over evil
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The 9 Stupas at Thiksey Monastery (Source)
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Thikse Monastery, Ladakh (Source)
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Diskit monastery, Lachung temple and Hundur monastery.
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Stakna Gompa, Hemis
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Phyang Gompa, Ladakh, India (Source)
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Likir Gompa, Buddha Maitreya (Source)
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Magnetic Hill (Source)
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Namgyal Tsemo Gompa (Source)
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Inde.Le Ladakh.Namgyal Gompa. (Source)
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Leh Palace
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Mountain Biking (Source)
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Shanti Stupa (Source)
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Kargil (Source)
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Stok Palace (Source)
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Khardung La Pass (Source)
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goranLIKIR2 (Source)
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