Shimla to Ladakh

   Shimla to Ladakh Road Distance 1,084 km
   Shimla to Ladakh Aerial Distance 341 km
  Shimla to Ladakh Travel Time 23 hours 11 mins

How to reach Ladakh from Shimla

The total distance between Shimla and Leh is around 718 kms. There are several ways through which you can reach from one place to the other. You can either take a direct flight from Shimla to Leh. Or you can also choose to take a bus for half the journey and cover the remaining in flight. The final journey from Srinagar to Leh can also be covered by road since that makes for a pleasant road trip experience. Given below is a detailed account of travel mediums from Shimla to Leh. Have a look!

Knowing The Details

1. Shimla to Leh in Flight
2. Shimla to Leh in Bus and Flight
3. Popular Routes to Ladakh
4. Popular Routes from Shimla
5. Places to Visit in Ladakh
6. Hotels in Ladakh

Ladakh Travel Packages

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1. Shimla to Leh in Flight

Shimla Airport

The aerial distance between Shimla and Leh is just 343 kms that could be covered in a very short span of time..Although there are airports in both Shimla and Leh, there are no direct flights that fly on the route. Most of these are Stop Over or Via flights which take a long time. Have a look at the details.
Departure Airport: Shimla Airport
Arrival Airport: Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 14000
Approx. Time Taken: 23 hours (2+ Stops)

2. Shimla to Leh in Bus and Flight

Another way to take a bus from Shimla to Chandigarh. From Chandigarh, you can either take a flight to Leh or to Srinagar. If you are taking a flight to Srinagar, you can cover the remaining distance by road.

Option 1: Shimla to Chandigarh to Leh

Leh Airport

Shimla > Chandigarh

You can first take a bus from Shimla to Chandigarh. Several HRTC buses run on the route from Shimla to Chandigarh on a daily basis to cover the distance of 112 kms. You can choose from sleeper, semi-sleeper, AC, non-AC or ordinary etc. You can also choose to preebook these buses or take them on the go. Have a look at the bus details-
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 200
Approx. Time Taken: 3 hours to 4 hours

Chandigarh > Leh

Once you reach Chandigarh, you can take a flight from Chandigarh to Leh. The aerial distance of 388 kms can be conveniently covered in a flight. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights that fly on the route. Most of these are Stop Over or Via flights that have a huge layover time. Major operators on the route include Vistara and Air India. Have a look at the flight details-
Departure Airport: Chandigarh International Airport
Arrival Airport: Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 5785
Approx. Time Taken: 14 hours to 24 hours (2+ Stops)

Option 2: Shimla to Chandigarh to Srinagar to Leh

Srinagar Airport

Shimla > Chandigarh

There is also another option since the flights between Chandigarh and Leh are super time consuming. You can take a bus from Shimla to Chandigarh to cover the distance of 112 kms. For more details, refer to the section above.

Chandigarh > Srinagar

Once you reach Chandigarh, you can take a flight to Srinagar which is faster and also cheaper. The aerial distance of 416 kms can be conveniently covered in flights. There are several flights that fly on the route. Major flight operators include Indigo, Go Air and Vistara. Have a look at the details-
Departure Airport: Chandigarh International Airport
Arrival Airport: Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 1964
Total Time Taken: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Srinagar > Leh

Once you land in Srinagar, you can drive down or travel in a cab or taxi. The drive is considered to be one of the most picturesque in the country. The wide roads are blessed with scenic views that make the whole journey worthwhile. The distance of 421 kms can be covered in around 10 to 12 hours. People generally make a stop at Kargil to complete this drive in two days.

Popular Routes to Ladakh

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Delhi to Ladakh 22 hours 58 mins 1,251 km
Srinagar to Ladakh 8 hours 6 mins 415 km
Mumbai to Ladakh 1 day 20 hours 2,671 km
Chennai to Ladakh 2 days 7 hours 3,423 km
Pune to Ladakh 1 day 22 hours 2,721 km
Bangalore to Ladakh 2 days 6 hours 3,387 km

Popular Routes from Shimla

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Shimla to Manali 6 hours 36 mins 248 km
Shimla to Chandigarh 3 hours 32 mins 113 km
Shimla to Delhi 6 hours 52 mins 343 km
Shimla to Dharamshala 6 hours 29 mins 239 km
Shimla to Haridwar 7 hours 22 mins 286 km
Shimla to Mcleodganj 6 hours 29 mins 240 km