How to Reach Kudremukh

Kudremukh is only accessible by road with buses plying regularly from Mangalore, located 100 km away (2 hours 15 minutes away). The nearest railway station is at Mangalore with trains connecting to many cities. The nearest airport is also in Mangalore and is accessible by taxis. 

How to reach Kudremukh by flight

The nearest airport to Kudremukh is Mangalore airport, which is situated 93 km away from Kudremukh. Mangalore airport is connected with the major cities of the country. From Mangalore, you can take a private taxi or bus to Kudremukh. 

Nearest Airport: Mangalore International Airport (IXE) - 46 kms from Kudremukh

Search for flights to Mangalore International Airport (IXE)

How to reach Kudremukh by road

The route to Kudremukh from Mangalore and Bangalore is very scenic and ideal for a road trip. There are many pitstops on the way as well where you can stop for a meal or a coffee too. 

How to reach Kudremukh by train

Kudremukh does not have its own railway station, the nearest railway station is Mangalore station, which is situated at a distance of 113 km. From Mangalore railway station, a number of taxis and buses are available to Kudremukh.

How to reach Kudremukh by bus

Kudremukh is well-connected by road with the nearby cities of Mangalore, Bangalore, Chennai, Chikmagalur etc. You can take a KSRTC bus from various cities to Kudremukh.

Local transport in Kudremukh

The best way is to use the local bus service which leaves every 30 mins or hire a taxi from the main bus stand.

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Kudremukh Photos

Kudremukh, Karnataka
Kudremukh Peak
Hanuman Gundi Falls
On the way to Kudremukh

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