Hue to Hoi-an Road Distance | 124 Km |
Hue to Hoi-an Aerial Distance | 104 km |
Hue to Hoi-an Travel Time | 4 Hours |
The Preferred way of Travelling from Hue to Hoi An
Hoi An is located at a distance of 124 km to the south of Hue passing through Da Nang city. The closest route touches the coast at certain places and is a delight to travel. Since there is no direct rail or air connectivity from Hue to Hoi An, the best way to travel is to reach Da Nang by train and then travel to Hoi An by road.
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Ho-chi-minh-city to Hoi-an | 14 hr 37 min | 897.2 km |
Hanoi to Hoi-an | 3,5 Hours | 797 Km |
Nha-trang to Hoi-an | 10 Hours | 506 Km |
Da-nang to Hoi-an | 40 Mins | 29 Km |
Hue to Hoi-an | 4 Hours | 124 Km |
Important Routes | Time Taken | Distance |
Hue to Hanoi | 11 hr 17 min | 665.3 km |
Hue to Da Nang | 3 Hours | 100 Km |
Hue to Hoi An | 4 Hours | 124 Km |