What is the best time to visit Kuala Terengganu?

The best time to visit Kuala Terengganu is from February to April with average day temperature being 28℃ and precipitation of 70mm-80mm per month. May to September are summer months when the average temperature is 31℃ with precipitation of about 100mm on an average. October to January is highly unsuitable to visit Kuala Terengganu as rainfall is very high reaching about 342mm in the month of December. This inturn, will deter you from visiting nearby islands and waterfronts as rainfalls cause issues in water and air transportation.

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Kuala Terengganu Photos

Kuala Terengganu
Ho Ann Kiong Chinese Temple
Terengganu State Museum
The famous Crystal Mosque of Kuala Terengganu, also known as Masjid Kristal

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