Rome Images

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Rome, Italy
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Roman representation of Tiber as a god, Capitoline Hill in Rome (Source)
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The Pantheon (Source)
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St. Peters Basilica at night from Via della Conciliazione in Rome (Source)
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Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran, Romes Cathedral (Source)
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The Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine (Source)
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The Fontana della Barcaccia (Source)
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Palatine Hill (Source)
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Capitoline Wolf, sculpture of the mythical she-wolf suckling the infant twins Romulus and Remus (Source)
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Augustus, the first Emperor (Source)
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Julius Caesar (Source)
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Bust of Emperor Constantine I, 4th century (Source)
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15th-century illustration depicting the Sack of Rome (410) (Source)
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Detail view on an illustration by Raphael portraying the crowning of Charlemagne in Old Saint Peters Basilica, on 25 December 800 (Source)
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Statue of Charles of Anjou (Source)
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Castel SantAngelo, where Pope Alexander VI secluded himself (Source)
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Italian soldiers enter Rome on 20 September 1870 (Source)
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Bombardment of Rome by Allied troops, 1943 (Source)
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Palazzo Senatorio with the Rome City Hall (Source)
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The municipi of Rome (Source)
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The Palazzo del Quirinale, now seat of the President of the Italian Republic (Source)
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Satellite view of Rome (Source)
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Panorama of Rome from the dome of St. Peters Basilica (Source)
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Rome aerial view (Source)
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The Esquilino rione. (Source)
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Mosque of Rome, the largest mosque in Western Europe (Source)
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The Altare della Patria (Source)
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The Temple of Aesculapius, in the gardens of the Villa Borghese (Source)
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The Trevi Fountain (Source)
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Berninis statues at the Piazza Navona (Source)
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An ancient Egyptian obelisk in Piazza del Popolo (Source)
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Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II at sunset (Source)
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Rome chamber of commerce in ancient Temple of Hadrian (Source)
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The Sapienza University of Rome founded in 1303 (Source)
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Biblioteca Casanatense (Source)
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National Central Library (Source)

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