Ishika Wahane

Accruing to her early learnings and a growing interest in philosophy, she enjoys some lone time to drift away from the realities of life and dive into her fantasy world. Though an introvert, she fails to pull herself back from having casual conversations around cinema, feminism, poetry and several other arts of life. A pen and paper is all she needs to spew out her inner consciousness on to life. A dreamer by nature and realist by choice, she remains as thoughtfully intricate as simply surprising she wishes her life to be.

Accruing to her early learnings and a growing interest in philosophy, she enjoys some lone time to drift away from the realities of life and dive into her fantasy world. Though an introvert, she fails to pull herself back from having casual conversations around cinema, feminism, poetry and several other arts of life. A pen and paper is all she needs to spew out her inner consciousness on to life. A dreamer by nature and realist by choice, she remains as thoughtfully intricate as simply surprising she wishes her life to be.