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Saigon Turtle Lake

Saigon Turtle Lake, Ho Chi Minh City Overview

The Turtle Lake is a traffic circle with a small lake in the center, surrounded by a landscaped park and pedestrian walkways. It is situated at the intersection of Pham Ngoc Thach, Vo Van Tan, and Tran Cao Van Streets in District 3. The lake gets its name from the large stone sculpture of a turtle positioned in the center of the water, which has become a symbol of the area. It is a popular gathering spot for residents of Ho Chi Minh City, who come to relax, socialize, and enjoy the scenery.

You can stroll along the pathways, feed the fish in the lake, or simply sit and people-watch while taking in the sights and sounds of the city. At night, Turtle Lake comes alive with colorful lights and activity, as street vendors set up stalls selling snacks, drinks, and souvenirs, creating a lively atmosphere that draws crowds until late into the evening. Originally built in the 1960s during the French colonial period, Turtle Lake serves as both a transportation hub and a recreational space for locals and visitors alike. The circular road around the lake facilitates the flow of traffic, while the surrounding park provides a tranquil oasis amidst the urban bustle.

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