Best Time To Visit South Central Vietnam

Ideal duration: 4-5 days

is the best time to visit South Central Vietnam

South Central Vietnam in South Central Vietnam in February to May

The best time to visit South Central Vietnam is February to May. It is the time of spring when the blossoming nature delights you and weather is not harsh. Summers, though, can be very hot and should be avoided. The months with roaring temperatures are May to August after which heavy downpour is witnessed. Autumn can also be a good time to visit but there's a very small margin between monsoons and cold winters which lasts until January.

South Central Vietnam in South Central Vietnam in February to mid May

This is the best time to visit South Central coast of Vietnam. Climate is good, temperature is cool, sky is clear and everything looks more beautiful. It is the best time to enjoy the sandy beaches and relax in the sun.

South Central Vietnam in South Central Vietnam in June to October

This is the time when it is extremely humid in Vietnam. After hot and torrid season, heavy downpours are witnesses especially in the months of July and August which makes it difficult travel. The roads are slippery and dangerous.

South Central Vietnam in South Central Vietnam in November to January

The winter months of Vietnam are again too cold and formidable to travel anywere. There is a huge plunge in the temperatures in the months of December and January and it can be too chilly to step out of the hotel. In case you travel to Vietnam in winters, do not forget to pack a lot of warm clothes.