Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri

   Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri Road Distance 25.9 km
   Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri Aerial Distance 8,235 km
  Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri Travel Time 45 mins

How to reach Ratnagiri from Ganpatipule

The total distance between Ganpatipule and Ratnagiri is just 26 kms via Arrey Warrey Road. Since the distance is so little, the best way to commute from one place to the other is in a bus. Or else, you can also take a cab or a private taxi. Alternatively, you can also drive down on your own. Since the distance is very little, there is no point in taking a train or a flight. Read on to find out more details about the transport mediums.

Knowing The Details

1. Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri in Bus
2. Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri in Car
3. Popular Routes to Ratnagiri
4. Popular Routes from Ganpatipule
5. Places to Visit in Ratnagiri
6. Hotels in Ratnagiri

Top Hotels In Ratnagiri

1. Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri in Bus

Ganpatipule Bus Stand

There are more than 20 buses that run on the Ganpatipule - Ratnagiri route on a daily basis. You can travel in any one of these. The whole distance is covered in around 1 hour.

2. Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri in Car

Route to Ratnagiri

Another easy way is to travel from Ganpatipulr to Ratnagiri in a car. You can either book a cab or hire a private taxi. Alternatively, you can also drive down on your own. The journey can be covered in around 50 minutes via Arrey Warrey Road and around 1 hour via MSH4 and SH106. The cab fares begin from INR 500 depending on the timings and the type of vehicle you choose.

Popular Routes to Ratnagiri

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Pune to Ratnagiri 6 hours 3 mins 300 km
Mumbai to Ratnagiri 7 hours 15 mins 346 km
Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri 45 mins 25.9 km
Bangalore to Ratnagiri 11 hours 33 mins 743 km
Hyderabad to Ratnagiri 13 hours 36 mins 670 km
Chennai to Ratnagiri 16 hours 47 mins 1,096 km

Popular Routes from Ganpatipule

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Ganpatipule to Ratnagiri 45 mins 25.9 km