Best Time To Visit Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve

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Ideal duration: 1-2 days

Best Time: April - September Read More

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Also Refered As:

Motlatse Canyon Provincial Nature Reserve

What is the best time to visit Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve?

The prime time to explore the Blyde River Canyon Reserve is during the dry winter months of May to September. These months offer pleasant weather, clear skies, and reduced rainfall, providing optimal conditions for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

Weather in Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve


Upcoming Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve Weather

More about Best Time to Travel to Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve


January continues the peak tourist season, with lush landscapes and warmer temperatures prevailing. This month offers an excellent opportunity to explore the reserve's attractions and engage in various outdoor activities. The pleasant weather adds to the allure of the Blyde River Canyon Reserve.

February to April

From February to April, lush greenery is accompanied by occasional rain showers. These months are well-suited for birdwatching and enjoying the sight of the waterfalls amidst the vibrant surroundings. Additionally, the shoulder months of April and September provide a balanced climate and fewer crowds, making it an appealing time for those seeking a quieter experience at the reserve.


In May, the Blyde River Canyon Reserve experiences ideal weather conditions for outdoor exploration. The temperature ranges from mild to warm, providing a comfortable environment for visitors. Wildlife sightings are common near water sources, enhancing opportunities for observing animals such as Klipspringer, Oribi, Kudu, mountain reedbuck, baboon troops, and various bird species. Popular activities during this month include hiking, wildlife spotting, and birdwatching.

June and July

During June and July, the reserve enjoys clear skies and mild temperatures, making it an appealing time for travellers. Wildlife is active during the day, increasing the chances of encountering various animals. The months are particularly suitable for engaging in activities like hiking and relishing the picturesque vistas offered by the reserve.

August and September

August and September offer pleasant temperatures, setting the stage for enjoyable outdoor activities. Wildlife viewing is optimal during these months, providing ample opportunities to witness the diverse fauna of the area. These months are also great for exploring the reserve's viewpoints and trails, offering a comprehensive experience of its natural beauty.


The month of October brings lush foliage and flowing waterfalls to the Blyde River Canyon Reserve. Warm temperatures accompany occasional rainfall, resulting in a vibrant landscape. Birdwatching enthusiasts will find this month particularly rewarding, as the increased greenery attracts numerous bird species.

November and December

Vibrant greenery and warmer temperatures characterize November and December. These months mark the peak tourist season due to holidays. It's an ideal time for waterfall visits and birdwatching, as the rich vegetation and comfortable temperatures enhance the overall experience.

Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve Photos

Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve
Blyde river canyon

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