Azerbaijan in August: Weather Conditions and Temperature

August brings warm temperatures and sunny days to Azerbaijan, offering travelers the perfect opportunity to explore the country's diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and cultural attractions. From bustling markets to tranquil beaches, Azerbaijan in August promises an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages.

Weather in Azerbaijan in August


August is one of the warmest months in Azerbaijan, with daytime temperatures averaging between 25°C to 30°C in most regions. Coastal areas along the Caspian Sea may experience slightly higher temperatures, while mountainous regions offer cooler conditions, making them ideal for outdoor activities. In Baku, the temperature can reach at a highest of 29°C and a lowest of 24°C. In the Caucasus mountains, the temperature in August can go as low as 13°C to a highest of 22°C.


Humidity levels in August vary across the country, ranging from 50% to 70%. Coastal regions, including Baku and the Caspian Sea coast, may experience higher humidity levels due to proximity to the sea. Inland areas and mountainous regions generally have lower humidity levels, creating comfortable conditions for outdoor exploration.


August is typically a dry month in Azerbaijan, with minimal rainfall throughout the country. Coastal regions typically experience sunny weather and a clear sky. Mountainous regions have a higher chance of rain in comparison to the coastal cities like Baku but these rains are usually very light and short-lived.


Winds in August are generally mild, with occasional breezes in coastal and mountainous areas. Baku and the Caspian Sea region may experience gentle sea breezes, providing relief from the heat during the day. Mountainous regions like Gusar may have slightly stronger winds, particularly in the afternoons. These winds can be mildly chilly but comfortable.

August is the perfect time to experience the beauty and hospitality of Azerbaijan. It is also considered one of the peak months for tourism in the country. Whether you're exploring ancient cities, relaxing on the beach, or hiking in the mountains, you're sure to create unforgettable memories in this fascinating destination.

This post was published by Pranay Prasun

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