Hyderabad to Thanjevur

   Hyderabad to Thanjevur Road Distance 960 km
   Hyderabad to Thanjevur Aerial Distance 737 km
  Hyderabad to Thanjevur Travel Time 14 hours 56 mins

How to reach Thanjevur from Hyderabad

The distance between Hyderabad and Thanjavur is around 917 kms and that can easily be covered in flights, trains and buses. Although there is no passenger airport in Thanjavur, the nearest one in Tiruchirapalli is just 60 kms away. There are also direct trains and buses that ply on the route. Given below is a detailed account of all travel mediums from Hyderabad to Tiruchirapalli. Have a look.

Knowing The Details

1. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Flight and Bus
2. Hyderabad to Thanjavur to Train
3. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Train and Bus
4. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Bus
5. Popular Routes to Thanjevur
6. Popular Routes from Hyderabad
7. Places to Visit in Thanjevur
8. Hotels in Thanjevur

Top Hotels In Thanjevur

1. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Flight and Bus

Hyderabad Airport

There is no independent airport in Thanjavur so the next nearest option is in Tiruchirapalli which is 60 kms from here. The aerial distance between the two places is 737 kms and there are several flights that run on the route. Major flight operators include Air India, Indigo, Go Air, Spicejet and more.
Departure Airport: Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
Arrival Airport: Tiruchirapalli International Airport
Starting Ticket Fares: INR 3039
Approx. Time Taken: 2 hours and 10 minutes
Once you deboard at Tiruchirapalli, Thanjavur is just 60 kms away. There are several local buses and public transport options available on the route.
Starting Ticket Fare: INR 150
Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour to 2 hours

2. Hyderabad to Thanjavur to Train

Hyderabad Railway Station

For all those who prefer to travel in trains, fortunately, you do have an option. There is only one train that commutes between Hyderabad and Thanjavur. Hyderabad Rameswaram Special runs between Hyderabad and Rameswaram. There is a stop in between at Thanjavur where you can get down. Have a look at the details.
Train Name: Hyderabad Rameswaram Special
Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Thanjavur Jn
Frequency of Train: Fri Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 675
Approximate Train Duration: 25 hours 15 minutes

3. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Train and Bus

Tiruchirapalli Junction

If the above train option doesn’t suit you, then you can resort to other options. However, the next nearest trains can only take you till Tiruchirapalli from where you will have to take a bus.
Train 1: KCG MDU Exp
Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Tiruchchirapalli
Frequency of Train: Sat Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 525
Approximate Train Duration: 21 hours 10 minutes
Train 2: KCG NCJ Exp
Boarding Station: Kacheguda
Deboarding Station: Tiruchchirapalli
Frequency of Train: Wed Only
Approx. Ticket Fares: INR 520
Approximate Train Duration: 20 hours 45 minutes
Once you get down at Tiruchirapalli, then Thanjavur is only 57 kms away that can be covered in local buses and public transport. For details, refer to the section above.

4. Hyderabad to Thanjavur in Bus

Tiruchirapalli Bus Stand

The total distance of 917 kms between Hyderabad and Thanjavur can be covered in a bus also. Although, there are no direct buses from Hyderabad to Thanjavur. But you can resort to interconnecting buses via Tiruchirapalli. There are several buses that ply between Hyderabad and Tiruchirapalli and also between Tiruchirapalli and Thanjavur.

Route 1: Hyderabad to Tiruchirapalli

Starting Fares: INR 1850
Approx. Time Taken: 14 hours to 15 hours

Route 2: Tiruchirapalli to Thanjavur

Starting Ticket Fare: INR 150
Approx. Time Taken: 1 hour to 2 hours

Popular Routes to Thanjevur

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Chennai to Thanjevur 6 hours 4 mins 346 km
Hyderabad to Thanjevur 14 hours 56 mins 960 km
Bangalore to Thanjevur 7 hours 1 min 392 km
Ernakulam to Thanjevur 8 hours 29 mins 438 km

Popular Routes from Hyderabad

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Hyderabad to Bangalore 8 hours 1 min 569 km
Hyderabad to Goa 12 hours 30 mins 637 km
Hyderabad to Coorg 12 hours 38 mins 819 km
Hyderabad to Kodaikanal 15 hours 38 mins 1,033 km
Hyderabad to Ooty 13 hours 40 mins 847 km
Hyderabad to Ahmedabad 20 hours 55 mins 1,253 km