Havelock-island to Neil-island

   Havelock-island to Neil-island Road Distance
   Havelock-island to Neil-island Aerial Distance 23 km
  Havelock-island to Neil-island Travel Time 1.5-2 hours

How to reach Neil-island from Havelock-island

The easiest way to reach Neil Island from Havelock Island is by ferry. There are regular ferry services operating between the two islands, offering convenient transportation for travelers. The journey takes approximately 1.5 - 2.5 hours, depending on the type of ferry and sea conditions. Travelers can purchase ferry tickets at the respective ferry terminals on both islands or through authorized ticket vendors. It's advisable to check the ferry schedule in advance and arrive at the terminal well before the departure time to ensure a smooth journey.

Knowing The Details

1. Boarding Points for Ferry from Havelock to Neil Island
2. Ferry Timings Havelock to Neil Island
3. Cost of Ferry From Havelock to Neil Island
4. Luggage Policy
5. Ferry Operators
6. Popular Routes to Neil-island
7. Popular Routes from Havelock-island
8. Places to Visit in Neil-island
9. Hotels in Neil-island

Neil-island Travel Packages

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1. Boarding Points for Ferry from Havelock to Neil Island

The ferry jetty in Neil Island is called the Neil Island Ferry Wharf and the jetty in Havelock is known as Havelock Ferry Terminal.

2. Ferry Timings Havelock to Neil Island

Ferry Operator  Departure Timings  Arrival Timings
Green Ocean 2  09:15 AM  10:45 AM
Nautika  09:20 AM  10:20 AM
Makruzz  10:00 AM  11:00 AM
Makruzz Pearl  02:00 PM  03:00 PM
Nautika  02:30 PM  03:30 PM
Green Ocean 2  03:15 PM  04:30 PM

3. Cost of Ferry From Havelock to Neil Island

The cost of Ferry from Havelock Island to Neil Island ranges from INR 1350 to INR 1600

4. Luggage Policy

Luggage undergoes an X-ray scan for security purposes. Checked-in luggage is allowed to carry alcohol up to 1 liter per person, but alcohol is not permitted in hand baggage. Passengers can bring small hand luggage and check-in luggage, with the latter weighing up to 25 KG per person.

5. Ferry Operators

Some notable ferry operators include Makruzz Pearl, Sea Link, Nautika Lite, Sonar Group, Green Ocean 2, Green Ocean 1, each offering a different travel experience between Port Blair, Havelock Island & Neil Island

Popular Routes to Neil-island

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Havelock-island to Neil-island 1.5-2 hours

Popular Routes from Havelock-island

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Havelock-island to Neil Island 1.5-2 hours