Rann Utsav of Kutch Images

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Rann Utsav of Kutch
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Rann Utsav Amidst The White Sands
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Tent City, Rann Utsav
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Tent City At Night
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Rann of Kutch on the top left in turquoise colour. The Gulf of Kutch is further down below the Kutch region. Image: NASA Earth Observatory (Source)
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Map of Gujarat showing the Greater Rann of Kutch and Little Rann of Kutch (Source)
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Creeks in Great Rann of Kutch area (Source)
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City of tents during Rann Utsav (Source)
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Sunset at Rann of Kutch (Source)
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Camel Cart Ride at Rann of Kutch Festival (Source)
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Aerial View of Rann of Kutch Utsav (Source)
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Rann of Kutch Utsav - Most Celebrated Carnival in Kutch (Source)
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Tribal Folk Music Played by Traditional Musicians at Rann of Kutch Utsav (Source)
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Artefacts Shopping at Rann Utsav (Source)
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Music Concert at Great Rann of Kutch (Source)

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