Sapa to Hanoi

   Sapa to Hanoi Road Distance 315 Km
   Sapa to Hanoi Aerial Distance 252 km
  Sapa to Hanoi Travel Time 6 Hours

How to reach Hanoi from Sapa

The Preferred way of Travelling from Sapa to Hanoi

The distance from Hanoi to Sapa is 315 km. Sapa is not connected by air or rail and hence the most preferred way to reach Hanoi from Sapa is to travel by road to Lao Cai and then take a train to Hanoi.

Knowing The Details

1. Sapa to Hanoi by Train
2. Sapa to Hanoi by Express Bus
3. Sapa to Hanoi by Taxi
4. Popular Routes to Hanoi
5. Popular Routes from Sapa
6. Places to Visit in Hanoi
7. Hotels in Hanoi

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1. Sapa to Hanoi by Train

Sapa to Lao Cai

Lao Cai city is roughly 35 km away from Sapa and the only way to reach Sapa from here is by road. It takes anything between 50 to 90 minutes to reach Sapa. You can travel by the public bus or arrange a taxi or private car transport. Remember to make arrangements for your Lao Cai to Sapa transfer beforehand to avoid troubles after you land in Lao Cai early in the morning. 

The cheapest option is the public bus. The bus stop is located near the car parking of the Lao Cai train station, to the left of the main gate exit. The buses are a bright yellow and red and very easy to identify. The bus journey takes about an hour and a half to reach Lao Cai, Tickets can be bought on board or online at VND 30,000 per person.

Else, you can arrange for private transfer by a car or minivan. The route from Sapa Lao Cai is very windy, so if you suffer from motion sickness, this option is not for you. It’s better to opt for the public bus. The car ride is however faster, taking only 50-60 minutes. You can also arrange for the hotel you are going to stay in to pick you up from Lao Cai or can reserve a seat on a minibus through Sapa O’Chau. Be wary of taxis at the station as there is a risk of being scammed.

Lao Cai to Hanoi

Travelling by train is safe and reliable, it is also easy on your pocket if you travel overnight. You can one night’s accommodation and you’ll get time for sightseeing instead of travelling during the day. Families can also opt for train travel as kids seem to enjoy the ride.

The train services are provided by the state-run Vietnam Railways. There are several trains every night from Sapa to Hanoi. There are a few during the day time as well. There are multiple carriages in the trains. The normal carriages are owned by the Vietnam Railways and the luxurious ones which are costlier are run by private companies.

There are four trains from Lao Cai to Hanoi and during the holidays when tourist traffic is at its peak, more trains are added. However, the fastest train services with the least number of stops are the SP1 and SP3 trains. Both the trains have VIP sleepers (soft beds; 2 berths per cabin), first class sleepers (soft beds, 4 berths per cabin) and second class sleepers (hard beds, 6 berths per cabin). The VIP and first class tickets are also reasonably priced. 

Tickets for the hard beds and soft beds are priced at VND 180,000 and VND 135,000 respectively. The prices are slightly more expensive if bought on the website.

2. Sapa to Hanoi by Express Bus

The bus journey is pretty long, almost 6 hours. However, there are two scheduled rest stops each of 10 minutes during which you can use the restrooms or buy snacks and drinking water. 

The bus travels on the CT05 highway which is mostly windy upto Lao Cai after which the road becomes flat as it descends the mountain. The drivers are professional and the ride is extremely safe. If you are prone to motion sickness, it is best to avoid the bus trip, else it is a great option as there is no need to change transportation like going by train.

The Express Bus departs from Sapa at 7 am in the morning and arrives at Hanoi at 1 pm in the afternoon. The tickets for the Express Bus service can be bought online and cost around VND 280,000 per person.

3. Sapa to Hanoi by Taxi

This is probably the most convenient option available to travel from Sapa to Hanoi. Pickup is on demand at any time of the day or night. They pick you up from whatever place you ask for and drop you off at the desired location in Hanoi.  There is ample storage space for your luggage. The taxis are air-conditioned and wi-fi facilities are also available. 

The prices for hiring a private taxi start at around VND 4,000,000 for a nine seater vehicle. You can book a private taxi online through 12Go Asia. The private taxi is a very economical option if you are travelling with a fairly large family.

Popular Routes to Hanoi

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Popular Routes from Sapa

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Sapa to Hanoi 6 Hours 315 Km