Dalhousie to Khajjiar

   Dalhousie to Khajjiar Road Distance 21.6 kms
   Dalhousie to Khajjiar Aerial Distance 8 km
  Dalhousie to Khajjiar Travel Time 1 hour and 7 minutes

Dalhousie to Khajjiar - How to reach

How to reach Khajjiar from Dalhousie

The total distance between Dalhousie and Khajjiar is just 21 kms. It can be easily covered in a bus, which is also the cheapest and the most convenient way. Alternatively, you can also book a cab or hire a private taxi for ease of comfort and convenience. Or you can also drive down on your own if you have a private vehicle. Given below is a detailed account of travel mediums from Dalhousie to Khajjiar. Have a look!

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Popular Routes to Khajjiar

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Dalhousie to Khajjiar 1 hour and 7 minutes 21.6 kms

Popular Routes from Dalhousie

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Dalhousie to Khajjiar 1 hour and 7 minutes 21.6 kms