Nha-trang to Hoi-an

   Nha-trang to Hoi-an Road Distance 506 Km
   Nha-trang to Hoi-an Aerial Distance 415 km
  Nha-trang to Hoi-an Travel Time 10 Hours

How to reach Hoi-an from Nha-trang

The Preferred Way of Travelling from Nha Trang to Hoi An

Hoi An does not have a railway station or airport. Hence, the best way to travel to Hoi An from Nha Trang is taking a train from Nha Trang to Da Nang, the nearest railway station to Hoi An. You can then take a bus, a taxi or a motorbike from Da Nang to reach Hoi An.

Knowing The Details

1. Nha Trang to Da Nang - Train and Flight
2. Da Nang to Hoi An by Taxi
3. Da Nang to Hoi An by Bus
4. Popular Routes to Hoi-an
5. Popular Routes from Nha-trang
6. Places to Visit in Hoi-an
7. Hotels in Hoi-an

Hoi-an Travel Packages

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1. Nha Trang to Da Nang - Train and Flight

Nha Trang to Da Nang

1. Taking the Train

Da Nang is situated at a distance of 535 km from Nha Trang. There are about 8 trains which leave for Hoi An from Nha Trang everyday. It is however best that you take an overnight train. This is because the train journey takes 10 to 11 hours and it is best that you do not lose this time during the day when you can instead be exploring the place. Another advantage of taking the overnight train is that you can save on a night’s accommodation.

There are 2 night trains from Nha Trang: the SE22 and the SE10 which depart everyday at 7:50 pm and 11:15 pm respectively. If you have a lot of time in hand and wish to see the scenery, you can take the day train as well. The railway station in Nha Trang is only a short taxi ride or a 10-15 minute walk from the City Centre.

The train tickets vary according to the kind of seat you choose. The hard seat is the least comfortable while the VIP cabin is the most comfortable. On an average, the tickets for the train journey from Nha Trang to Da Nang cost around VND 605,000. They can be booked online through their website in advance or at the railway station itself.

2. Taking the Flight

The air travel from Nha Trang to Da Nang takes approximately 1 hour. Travelling by flight in Vietnam is fairly reasonable but it is costlier than the other travel options. The closest airport to Nha Trang is Cam Ranh which is about an hour away from the Nha Trang city centre. You can take the bus or the taxi to reach the airport.

There are several flight carriers which travel from Nha Trang to Da Nang but Viet Jet Air is the most sustainable choice. The ticket costs about VND 930,000 per person. If you book the tickets well in advance, you can get it for cheaper.

2. Da Nang to Hoi An by Taxi

Grab is a very popular cab aggregator in Vietnam, so big that it has acquired the country’s chapter of Uber and has become almost a monopoly in the cab aggregator industry. To hire a Grab car, all you need is a mobile phone with internet and the Grab app on it. You can put in your pickup location and your destination and the car will be at your foot in a while. It’s super quick and super easy and hence a very popular option. There are various options to choose from among 4 seater vehicles and 7 seater vehicles.

Another option is the airport taxi. You do not have to make any prior arrangement for these taxis. All you have to do is hop into the car and hand over your destination address to the driver and allow him to take care of the rest. You must however be a little careful since not all drivers are aware of all the routes in the region and might get lost. 

Most taxi drivers are careless drivers and drive rashly. Some taxis do not even have seatbelts in them! So try to get your taxis from trusted tourist companies as they drive more slowly and carefully. The price of a taxi ride from Da Nang TO Hoi An by Grab cars or the airport taxis cost around VND 600,000.

3. Da Nang to Hoi An by Bus

If you want to explore Vietnam from close quarters and are in for some adventure, you can opt for the local bus service.

There are three local bus services

1. Hoi An Express Shuttle Bus

One of the convenient and popular transfer services, the Hoi An Express Shuttle Service is also a safe travel option. The bus keeps waiting for you at the airport and the drivers drive smoothly and safely. The bus is air-conditioned and neatly maintained. They are also available in different sized vehicles according to your requirements. You could also opt for a shared van.

Travel Time: 60 minutes
Price: VND 140,000

2. Sinh Tourist Transfer Bus

This bus departs from the Da Nang bus station which is located at 6, 3 Thang 2, Thuan Phuoc, Hai Chau, Đà Nẵng. You have to check how far it is from your hotel at Da Nang in which you are staying. This service is not a good option if you’re departing from the Da Nang airport itself.

The bus is air-conditioned and has very comfortable seats. You also get extra space to keep your luggage (something not available in the public bus). It is slightly more expensive than the public bus and the shuttle express, and the ride is a little longer too. If you have more time in your kitty, then the comfort this service offers is definitely worth the price.

Travel Time: 90 minutes
Price: VND 140,000

3. Public Bus

This direct bus from Da Nang to Hoi An is also known as the yellow bus and has been launched by the government to encourage tourism. There are buses every 20 minutes starting at 5:30 am in the morning to 6 pm in the evening. The public bus is also a cheap option but the travel time is slightly longer. The charges are extra if you have luggage with you. This can be a problem if you have more luggage since there is not enough storage space for a lot of baggage. The public bus is hence a great option for backpackers.

You can use Google maps and its schedule explorer to find the nearest bus station near you and the bus timetable. The public bus is not a great idea if you are travelling from the airport as the nearest bus station is at least 3 km away from the airport.

Travel Time: 70 – 80 minutes
Price: VND 24000 (without luggage), VND 48000 (with luggage)

Popular Routes to Hoi-an

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Nha-trang to Hoi-an 10 Hours 506 Km
Da-nang to Hoi-an 40 Mins 29 Km
Hue to Hoi-an 4 Hours 124 Km

Popular Routes from Nha-trang

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Nha-trang to Da Nang 9 hr 35 min 524.7 km
Nha-trang to Hoi An 10 Hours 506 Km