Gulmarg to Pahalgam

   Gulmarg to Pahalgam Road Distance 139.7 km
   Gulmarg to Pahalgam Aerial Distance 86 km
  Gulmarg to Pahalgam Travel Time 3 hr 30 min

How to reach Pahalgam from Gulmarg

There is no direct route between Pahalgam and Gulmarg; travelers need to return to Srinagar before heading to the other place. To travel from Gulmarg to Pahalgam, the most preferred and delightful mode of transportation is by car, promising a flexible and scenic journey through the captivating landscapes of Kashmir. Covering a distance of approximately 140 kilometers, this road trip takes around 4-5 hours, allowing travelers to immerse themselves in the natural wonders and serene vistas that Kashmir has to offer.

Knowing The Details

1. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Car
2. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Cab
3. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Public Transport
4. Popular Routes to Pahalgam
5. Popular Routes from Gulmarg
6. Places to Visit in Pahalgam
7. Hotels in Pahalgam

Pahalgam Travel Packages

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1. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Car

Route 1: NH44 via Tangmarg and Awantipora
Distance: Approximately 140 km
Time: Around 4-5 hours
Road Conditions: Generally good, with hilly terrain
Attractions on the Way: Tangmarg Market, Awantipora Ruins, scenic landscapes

Route 2: Via Anantnag for a Different Perspective

Distance: Similar to NH44, around 150 km
Time: Approximately 4-5 hours
Road Conditions: Well-maintained, offering a diverse route
Attractions on the Way: Anantnag town, scenic views

Route 3: Srinagar-Pulwama Road for a Cultural Detour
Distance: Comparable to other routes, around 152km 
Time: Around 4.5-5.5 hours
Road Conditions: Good, passing through Pulwama
Attractions on the Way: Pulwama's cultural richness, scenic vistas

2. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Cab

Cabs are readily available in Gulmarg, and booking in advance is recommended. For a hassle-free experience, consider hiring a private taxi with an itinerary covering both places, costing around Rs. 2000 per day.

If hiring a cab for a drop from Pahalgam or Gulmarg, the charge may go up to Rs. 3000.

Shared taxis are a convenient alternative to buses and are available in Gulmarg.
The journey follows the route to Tangmarg, Parimpora, and concludes in Pahalgam.
Shared cabs are a budget-friendly option, with a total fare of approximately Rs. 400 to Rs. 500.

3. Gulmarg to Pahalgam by Public Transport

When it comes to public transportation between Pahalgam and Gulmarg, direct buses are not available. Similarly, there are no direct bus services from Srinagar to either Pahalgam or Gulmarg. Shared cabs face the same logistical challenge.

To journey to Gulmarg, your route involves taking a shared cab to Tangmarg and then proceeding to Gulmarg from there. If Pahalgam is your destination, you'll need to arrange transportation to Anantnag first, followed by another shared cab to reach Pahalgam.

Gulmarg - Anantnag - Pahalgam

To embark on a journey from Gulmarg to Pahalgam, start by taking a shared cab from Gulmarg to Tangmarg. Once in Tangmarg, find a cab heading to Dal Gate in Srinagar. Upon reaching Dal Gate, secure another cab to Anantnag. Finally, complete your expedition by boarding a cab from Anantnag to Pahalgam. The reverse journey applies if you're heading from Pahalgam to Gulmarg.

Given the intricacies involved, it is advisable to plan these journeys on separate days, particularly if relying on public transport.

The process can be a bit intricate, and it's recommended to break the journey in Srinagar:
  • Commence your trip to Pahalgam.
  • Take a break in Srinagar for an overnight stay.
  • Proceed to your next destination the following day.
This approach ensures a smoother and more convenient travel experience, allowing you to navigate the intricate routes between these picturesque Kashmiri destinations.

Popular Routes to Pahalgam

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Srinagar to Pahalgam 2h 20min 89.2 km
Gulmarg to Pahalgam 3 hr 30 min 139.7 km

Popular Routes from Gulmarg

Important Routes Time Taken Distance
Gulmarg to Sonamarg 4-5 hrs 180 km
Gulmarg to Pahalgam 3 hr 30 min 139.7 km