Slow Tourism - Learn More About The One Where You Savour It All

Often when travellers book their trips, they follow an itinerary that tells them to eat breakfast under 15 minutes, head over to an attraction and spend not more than an hour there, then a ride scheduled for another attraction, followed by another, and back to the hotel. At the end of the tour, you end up visiting 4 countries and 13 cities in 10 days. You really did, Instagram is the proof! But you ask yourself a question, "Was it worth it?"

Simply spending a day in a city clicking pictures of the beautiful surroundings while your driver/tour guide rides past it explaining you things about the place he googled 15 minutes before is not what travelling is all about. Sadly, that is been the case lately.

I get it. Life is short and you want to visit as many places as you can in the shortest possible time. A bustling life that people live in the present time, travelling is now more about going for a short vacation just for the sake of it between the tight schedule of work and other responsibilities. Enter slow tourism.

What is Slow Tourism?

Though there is no exact definition of it, slow tourism, as the name suggests, is the idea of travelling unhurriedly and leisurely. There's a whole idea of slow movement behind it which started 20 years ago in Italy. Initially, it revolved around nutrition and consumption of junk food followed by other movements like slow education, slow city, slow money, slow food, and in the present times, slow tourism. It’s all about slowing down yourself in this modern, fast-paced life and living in the moment instead of worrying about the past and the future.

Walk instead of travelling in a car, talk to the locals and try looking at the place from their perspective, maybe learn how to prepare their cuisine. The important aspect here is to take things slow and savour the experience.
Walking along the beach
Beauty lies in the details and slow tourism compels you to enjoy that by getting up close with nature, breathing in the fresh air, and soaking in the view of panoramic landscapes

Slow tourism also involves going with the flow. You explore and make impromptu decisions – the complete opposite of packaged tour. See where the hordes of tourists are headed to, you don't have to follow them. Go on an off beaten track to unveil something new and exciting.

Slow Tourism Destinations

  • Kasol
  • Dharamshala
  • Alleppey
  • Tirthan Valley
  • Jaipur
Around the World
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Morocco
  • Turkey
  • Norway

Slow Travel has Its Own Profits & Benefits 

1.  It Educates Travellers About the Place and Its Culture

The first and foremost advantage of indulging in slow travel is that you gather great wisdom of the visiting destination. You know about the place, it's culture, the colloquial terms, local dance forms, music and almost everything that is unique about the destination. You'd be gathering every rudimentary element of the destination. 

2. You Save on Commute Costs!  

Slow travel demands travelling by train, on foot or pool cars and avoiding every other transport which is fast-paced. It's enjoying the romance of slow and long travels. Taking longer journeys makes you value the experience even more. You'd not be opting for cars but you'd be walking through your neighbourhood and soaking up all the local scenarios.

3. It Enables Travellers to Enjoy the Surroundings to the Fullest

Since you're slowing down, you're enjoying the beauty of lanes, nature, scenarios and landscapes. You'll start appreciating almost every second view that you get. Since you're not hurrying up, you get to take a view of every little detail- a gift, a moment of romance, a conversation, remote scenarios, everything!

4. It Helps Reduce Stress Levels

Since mundane life usually takes a toll on your health, induces stress and tensions, slow travels help you get rid of them. You'd be resting for longer hours, catching up on all the lost sleep, unwinding by your balcony with a view and you'd not be in a race with time. Since life will slow down, you would be restoring all your energy. Your body starts releasing tranquil hormones and also restoring your mental health and peace since you're keeping your worries at bay.

5. It is a More Authentic Way of Travel

Since mundane life usually takes a toll on your health, induces stress and tensions, slow travels help you get rid of them. You'd be resting for longer hours, catching up on all the lost sleep, unwinding by your balcony with a view and you'd not be in a race with time. Since life will slow down, you would be restoring all your energy. Your body starts releasing tranquil hormones and also restoring your mental health and peace since you're keeping your worries at bay.

6. It Promotes Ecotourism!

Not just is it beneficial for you, it is also better for the environment around you. Travel and tourism does affect the ecosystem, but by opting for slow travels, we control the damage done to the environment by carbon emissions. Slow travels mean avoiding transportation with high-carbon emissions.

7. It Is Proven to be Better for the Elderly

Once old-age hits, people consider travelling as a bad idea. With slow travel, you actually rule out travel concerns and manage to hit up places with your old and ageing parents as well as grandparents. Travelling with your complete family might just get easier is you opt for slow travels.

8. It Helps in Connecting with the Locals More!

With slow travel, your interaction with locals increase. You're more inclined towards their lifestyles, you ask them about places around, your conversations revolve around directions, rituals and methods of that particular destination. Locals tend to be more reciprocating and indulge in elaborate conversations when they know that you're a traveller.

9. It Requires Improvisation Thus Less Planning Is Involved!

Everything on a slowcation runs on spontaneity. Your plans are impromptu. You might just take a detour with a local to check out a picturesque place in the locality or just plan to sit on a hammock and soak in the breathtaking views around. It rules out the concept of planning and scheduling that you have been doing on an everyday basis. Thus giving you an opportunity to bank on your instincts and impromptu plans.

10. Helps to Increase Compassion for People!

Seeing all kinds of people around, you tend to get more compassionate, more empathetic towards their feelings and lifestyle. As a result, you are more conscious about the place you travel to and you end up treating it like your hometown.

11. Lastly, Eat Like the Locals

The best part about slow travels is that you get to eat like the locals. Travel is all about trying out cuisines authentic to the place. Since your conversations and travels are more culture-oriented, naturally your food is also going to be that of the locals. You'll be savouring distant tastes which may or may not suit your palate but at least you'll be trying out food that is authentic to that land. There's nothing better than this!

Now that you know that slow travel helps you cut some slack, it's time you decide on the destination you're going to visit. Tell us which destination you're choosing for your slow travel in the comments below!

This post was published by Yash Saboo

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