What To Include In Your International Travel Packing List? A Complete Guide

"Travelling is something which leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller". You must have read many such quotes all over the internet looked at different #wanderlust Instagram picture which has tempted you to embark on your adventure. After all this time, you are all ready to take on the world and write your own beautiful travel story.

However, no matter the length of the trip, be it a weekend getaway, a week-long or a month-long trip you need to decide what to pack, and you want to pack it right. While packing for an international trip there many factors which you need to keep in mind such as the places you will visit, the weather and climate, the length of your visit along with the weight that you are allowed to carry.

If this is your first international trip and you are wondering what to pack and how much to pack, look no further! We have made you the ultimate travel packing list which will make packing nothing short of a cakewalk.

1. Determining The Size of Your Luggage

There are many different sizes of luggage bags ranging from small, medium and large. Preferably carry a container which is of a  suitable size to accommodate all your essentials adequately, which is lightweight and versatile. Ideally, go for luggage which has wheels and makes it easy for you to navigate through the place without taking the trouble of carrying it. Also, make sure to bring a duffle bag or a travel backpack which contains all the essentials and documents which you may require on the flight after your main luggage has been checked in.

2. Get Your Gadgets Ready

While on an international trip, it is also essential to get your travel gadgets in place. You want to make the best of your time on the trip, so make sure that you capture all the beautiful moments all this while making use of some incredible technology. The essential tech items include your smartphone (like we would go anywhere without it), a good camera (if your phone doesn't have a good camera), power bank (this is a must always to keep you connected and make you use the best of your tech), and a pair of functioning headphones. You may also carry a laptop if you are going on an extended vacation where it will aid you to surf the web and also indulge in some Netflix while on your long flight.

3. Clothes And Toiletries- The Basics

The significant chunk of your luggage will comprise of your clothes and toiletries, so make sure that you pack adequately which neither overcrowds the bag nor something that leaves you feeling short on the trip. Remember to check the weather and climatic conditions during the time that you will visit the country and pack accordingly. Carry two pairs of clothing per day on an average, and decide the number of pairs to pack.

Make sure that you have packed all the necessary toiletries which you would take on any trip like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, sunscreen, lotion, and any other hygiene products which you may need.

4. Prevention Is Better Than Cure - Pack Your Medicine Supplies

Any adversity does not come with a prior warning, so it is always to be ready for any contingency that you may encounter on the trip. Carry a Paracetamol (for pain & fever relief), cold or flu tablets and lozenges, along with some anti-inflammatory for when your body hurts after a long day. Also, some bandages and ointment may come in handy. If you suffer from motion sickness or any other form of travel sickness, do consult your doctor. Lastly, don't forget to carry any prescribed medication given by your doctor.

5. Pack Important Travel Documents

Make a checklist of all the essential documents that you need to carry so that you don't miss out on anything important or are in a fix. Conduct your research and collect all the necessary information which you will require to get from one place to the next. Here is a checklist of all the essential documents:

·       Passport

·       Visa (some countries offer options of visa on arrival, while for some others you may have to obtain it beforehand)

·       College or Student ID (if you have one): This will help you to avail of the many discounts at the tourist locations and enjoy the facility at a cheaper rate

·       A copy of the hotel booking voucher

·       Transportation tickets ( train, bus, car, railway, taxi)

·       Guide book and maps

·       Credit cards or debit cards

·       Details of emergency contacts and address (Police, hospital, contact details of any friends or relatives)

·       Do make a copy of all your things just in case you misplace any original documents or to carry when you are out travelling and keep the originals safely in your hotel

Lastly make sure that you check all your Photo IDs in advance for their expiry, especially when it comes to your passport and also inform your bank in advance if you are carrying your credit card or debit card to save yourself from any international frauds.

6. Comfort Is Essential

International trips include a lot of long journeys, which gives you ample time to spare. So make sure that you make the most of your leisure time by being as comfortable as possible. Carry a travel pillow to sleep comfortably, to get a good night's sleep; you may also carry an eye mask or earplugs to block out the unwanted sound. Also, take a travel journal to pen down your thoughts or to write down any essential information to keep in handy in case technology fails you. Lastly, make sure that you have a water bottle with you while you travel to keep you hydrated throughout your trip.

7. Travel Insurance

Do consider your travel insurance options before your trip to save yourself from any contingencies like lost bags, stolen items. You don't want to get caught up in an ugly situation where you have to shell out more money for your stolen or misplaced things. Also, knowing that you have got yourself covered during these situations also helps to offer you some peace of mind and lets you travel without any worries.

We are sure that you will have a great time on your international trip, make sure to plan about your activities and your itinerary which will make packing an easy task.

"Work, travel, save, repeat!"

This post was published by Priyanka Chugh

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