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15 Lodges In Kannur

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FAQs on Lodges In Kannur

How much does it cost to stay at Lodges In Kannur?

On an average, Lodges In Kannur costs around INR 1,300 per night.

What are the best Lodges In Kannur?

Some of the best Lodges In Kannur are Saj Rest' inn, Yoyostay kannur, Parco Residency

How much is a Lodges In Kannur for this weekend?

The average price per night for a Lodges In Kannur for this weekend is INR 1,300

Suggest some Lodges In Kannur with good wifi?

Best Lodges In Kannur with wifi availability are are Saj Rest' inn, Yoyostay kannur, Parco Residency

What all are the best Lodges In Kannur for a weekend stay?

Some of the best Lodges In Kannur for a weekend stay are Saj Rest' inn, Yoyostay kannur, Parco Residency

Best time for a staycation in Kannur?

October to February is the best time to visit Kannur being a coastal city with a tropical climate. Tourists majorly prefer the winters in Kannur as it is the most convenient and comfortable time of the year with a pleasant environment. The temperature lies between a range of 20 to 25-degree Celsius. Monsoons are also ideal for a visit, however, make sure you're equipped with umbrellas and mosquito repellents. Summers, on the other hand, are the least ideal time as the temperatures might rise above 40-degree Celsius making it unbearable.

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