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3 Star Hotels In Alleppey

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FAQs on 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey

How much does it cost to stay at 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey?

On an average, 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey costs around INR 4,114 per night.

What are the best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey?

Some of the best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey are Flamingo Boutique Villa, Triveny River Palace, Azure Tides Marari

How much is a 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey for this weekend?

The average price per night for a 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey for this weekend is INR 4,114

What are the best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey with a pool?

Best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey with a pool are Flamingo Boutique Villa, Triveny River Palace, Marari Green Villas

Suggest some 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey with good wifi?

Best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey with wifi availability are are Flamingo Boutique Villa, Triveny River Palace, Azure Tides Marari

What all are the best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey for a weekend stay?

Some of the best 3 Star Hotels In Alleppey for a weekend stay are Flamingo Boutique Villa, Triveny River Palace, Azure Tides Marari

Best time for a staycation in Alleppey?

The best time to visit Alleppey is between October and February when the temperature is moderate (around 33°C), making it a perfect time to explore the beautiful town. Alleppey experiences monsoons between June and September. It is not advisable for tourists, but the monsoon lovers and the offbeat travellers can consider visiting in June.

November to February is also the best time to visit Alleppey if you're on your honeymoon or if you want to enjoy the famous houseboats of Alleppey or spend some time lazying on the beach. Summers are also not recommended for the extreme heat that hits the region as the temperature can go as high as 40°C shutting all the outdoor activities.

The town receives light rainfall occasionally that takes the mercury level down allowing tourists to explore the attractions. But as the season progresses, the region gets torrential rain, making it an unsuitable destination for travelers.

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